The Connected Hub is committed to supporting our Learners in expanding their life chances; high quality, impartial careers education, information advice and guidance forms an important part of this. The Education Act 2011 places a statutory duty on maintained schools to secure access for pupils to independent and impartial careers guidance that promotes the best interests of the pupils to whom it is given and includes information on all options available to them, including apprenticeships and other work-based learning.
New statutory requirements from the Department for Education came into force in September 2018; how we tackle these is set out below. They relate to:
(1) Developing a programme of good careers education and guidance that meets the standard set out in the Gatsby Benchmarks
(2) Ensuring that all young people receive at least one encounter with an employer
(3) Appointing a Careers Leader to drive our school’s careers programme forward.
1. A stable careers programme 2. Learning from career and labour market information 3. Addressing the needs of each pupil 4. Linking curriculum learning to careers 5. Encounters with employers and employees 6. Experiences of workplaces 7. Encounters with further and higher education 8. Personal guidance http://www.gatsby.org.uk/education/focus-areas/good-career-guidance
Covid19 has impacted on the way our provision will be delivered but we will adapt our provision/delivery as necessary to comply with guidelines whilst ensuring students receive the advice and guidance to empower them to make realistic, informed choices about their future options and career choices. Provision, which is subject to change, may include ‘virtual’ delivery and will consist of a balance of:
- · Careers Fairs and workshops
- · PSHE Sessions
- · Guest Speakers
- · Key Worker Sessions
- · Work Experience – (This may only be possible for a very small amount of students due to Covid 19
- · One to one independent careers advice and personal guidance
- · Visits to Further and Higher Education Establishments
- · Visits to Employers
- · Celebration of National Careers & Apprenticeship Week
Careers Information for Teachers
Your contribution to Careers Education Information and Guidance is paramount to the success of
the careers provision at The Central and Connected Hub. The world of work is changing at an
increasingly fast rate and with this comes a greater demand on all of us to support young people
in making a successful transition from education to employment. Making students aware of the
careers opportunities in your subject area can help students identify and choose career
opportunities that are right for them.
As teachers we can support our students by:
- Raising students’ aspirations and increasing motivation
- Helping students understand the transferrable knowledge and skills in each subject area
- Encouraging progression to the next level of education or employment
- Making students aware of your career path and journey
- Incorporating career learning within your subject. Demonstrate how your subject is used in the real world, bring employers into the classroom.
- Organising career learning through extra-curricular activities and trips.
- Meeting the Gatsby Benchmark
- Benchmark 4: Linking Curriculum Learning to Careers
We are constantly seeking and developing links with local Further Education Colleges, Sixth Forms, other post 16 providers and Universities. The school is working closely with The University of Brighton on activities and projects aimed at raising aspirations, building confidence and dispelling myths surrounding university and Higher Education study. Local training providers, employers, and the community sector also contribute to the careers programme.
Careers Support Required
To support the school’s careers programme we are always looking for professionals to work with us. Are you able to act as a mock interviewer? Can you offer careers talks? Can you offer work experience placements for The Connected Hub students in your workplace?
Alumni –
We would like to call upon all our previous students toplease keep in touch, to inform us of your career progression/experiences.
If you would like to be involved, please contact Cordelia Millington to discuss opportunities for you to engage with The Connected Hub cordeliamillington@chb.org.uk or telephone 01273 916594
LMI effectively describes The World of Work – ranging from descriptions of different careers, their entry routes, salaries paid, skills and qualifications needed at national, regional and local levels. Crucially for young people it also covers future demand – What kind of jobs will be in demand after they leave school and what kind of skills will be needed.
Labour market information can be everything from overwhelming and confusing in-depth statistics to hearing about a potential employer starting up near where you live. Learning how to use it can help young people to make informed decisions about their future study and career choices.
Keeping up to date with what’s happening in the labour market is important for when you are making careers related decisions about your future and LMI should play a key role. You should always be aware of:
- What opportunities are out there for you?
- What the future trends are likely to be in different job areas.
- What qualifications and skills will you need?
- How will you prepare yourself to compete for jobs in some sectors?
Barclays LifeSkills can support you right now by helping you to prepare for the future workplace. Log in here: https://barclayslifeskills.com/young-people/
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If you are ready to think about the areas you might like to develop, the Barclays LifeSkills can help you reflect on not only your skills, but your interests and personality traits, and how to develop them further to support your future. You’ll find a range of interactive tools, films and activities available for you to use right now on your own, with family, or other support. LifeSkills offers the following support: ✔ Wheel of Strengths to identify your skills ✔ Preparing for Interview ✔ Virtual Work Experience ✔ Support with writing your CV ✔ Help to improve your listening and problem-solving skills
For Parents and Carers