Autumn 1 All about me and Black History – PSHRE and History Focus
In this first half term we will be finding out about each other. We will have a PSHE focus where we will discuss and write about ourselves. We will create fact files, poems and autobiographies celebrating how marvellous we are. We will use ‘The Hidden Chimp’ by Prof. Steve Peters to help us understand our behaviour and how our brain works. We will identify and try to understand our own “Hidden Chimps.”
We will then move on to celebrate Black History Month. We will use our ICT skills to research and learn about key figures in Black History and the present day along with learning about racism and how we can tackle racism if we witness it. In art, we will design anti-racism posters and t shirts and send entries to an anti – racism competition.
Autumn 2 Oceans – Geography Focus
In the second half of the Autumn term, we are going to be exploring oceans and learning all about how to look after our world. We will look at the impact that plastic has on our oceans and learn about how we can ‘Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.’
We will read a variety of picture books which we will use to inspire our adventure story writing. We will be focussing on descriptive writing in underwater worlds. We will also be writing non chronological reports about underwater creatures.
In art and DT, we will design our own boats and sea creatures from recyclable and non-recyclable materials.
Spring 1 Authors and illustrators – English Focus
At the beginning of the Spring term, we will be studying the books of Anthony Browne. We will be writing reviews ofthe books that we read. We will use ‘The Tunnel’ to inspire our adventure story writing. In Speaking and Listening, we will discuss feelings and relationships in the Willy the Wimp books, creating our own story character and writing stories around them.
In art, We will design characters for our stories that we have written based on the work we have done on Anthony Browne. We will study Anthony Browne’s illustrations and will draw our own illustrations that will be included in our picture books.
Spring 2 Countries: Italy – Geography Focus
This half term, we will be looking at the continents, finding Italy on a map of Europe and looking at the country’s cultures, food, physical and man-made features. During our English unit, we will be reading and responding to the book ‘Escape from Pompeii’ by Christina Balit. We will develop our reading inference skills, build our vocabulary, develop our sentence writing skills, take part in drama activities and finish the unit by writing in role as the characters of the book. This will be based on the characters escape from the Mount Vesuvius eruption in 79 CE.
In art, we will be looking at a variety of Roman mosaics and creating our own. We will also design and make our own Roman shield. We will experiment in science using materials and looking at reversible and irreversible changes. These skills will help us create an erupting volcano.
Summer 1 Traditional tales – English Focus
After the Easter holiday, we will read a range of traditional tales. We will write and perform play-scripts from traditional stories. We will write instructions and make gingerbread men.
In design and technology, we will design and make puppets for an animation that we will create and record. In science, we will be looking at the necessary conditions that plants need to grow as well as identifying different species of plants and their parts.
Summer 2 The Stone age – History Focus
Our final half term has a history focus where we will be travelling back in time to imagine what it was like to grow up in the Stone Age. We will also spend some time comparing our lives now to what life was like then. In English, we will be reading ‘The Stone Age Boy’ and basing our writing on this book. We will also be writing instructions on how to brush a Sabre-Tooth Tiger’s teeth based on the text, ‘How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth.’
In art, we will be exploring how to use a sketch book and learning how to use different types of sketching pencils. We will then explore what techniques are involved in sculpting using natural form as our inspiration