British Values

British Values Statement

Central Hub Brighton embraces the belief that at the heart of a modern ever-changing community is the acceptance of key British values, which it has a responsibility to promote. In doing so, our learners will be able to grow as individuals and citizens within the community and country in which they live.

The school believes that this is something not only achieved through the curriculum but through the school’s core values and ethos as well as its provision for pupils beyond formal lessons. Our core values guide and drive the direction of the school’s improvement but are also fundamental in supporting the development of British values within our setting.

The government defines “British Values” in its “Prevent Strategy” as:

  • Democracy
  • The rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual respect
  • Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

Throughout the whole school, the importance of mutual respect is emphasised. Thus, in all lessons, pupils are encouraged to respect the views of others, irrespective of whether they differ from their own.

At Central Hub Brighton, these values are explicitly taught in our PSHE lessons. These values are further embraced throughout the school curriculum and via school displays, in its focus on SMSC (Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Development).

In addition to the curriculum which pupils follow there are many other opportunities and activities which pupils participate in which underpin the promotion of British values. Student Voice activities give pupils a role in contributing to the life of the school as a learning community.

Through the sporting activities and other cultural capital trips organised throughout the year, pupils have the opportunity to learn and reflect British values. Pupils learn and understand for example, that in following the rules of football or table tennis or boxing, players must respect each other’s skills and abilities.

No school or educational provision ever stands still and Central Hub Brighton is no exception. The school will continue to strive to ensure that its children and young people leave with the strongest foundation of values upon which to build a successful life and make a positive contribution to society.

If you require additional information about promoting British values and preventing extremism/radicalisation please explore the following link which has a section specifically for parents/carers: