
We offer a range of therapy services for our students across Central Hub Brighton.

Pip McGrath

I work at the Dyke Road PRU two days a week and I offer weekly sessions to everyone during their time at the PRU. My sessions are private and confidential and students can talk, make art, or play games.
I work for the YMCA and I have worked with children and young people for over 15 years. I have a Masters in Art Therapy and I enjoy using creative activities to help people think about things that might be worrying them.  

Ellis English-Smith
Speech & Language Therapist

I work with students from three years old, all the way up to sixteen.  Speech and Language in schools looks at students’ communication, from the sounds we make into words, all the way through to understanding sarcasm.  My job is to identify any areas of communication which students would benefit from development in, to provide support, help students build awareness of their strengths and difficulties, and assist teaching staff in providing differentiated support.

I have a special interest in social, emotional and mental health and the connection with language; and am working on continually developing my knowledge and skills in this area.

lauren Brooks Mills
Speech and Language Therapist
Lauren is a Speech and Language Therapy Assistant who across The Central Hub. She leads group and 1:1 interventions targeted to develop students specific speech and language communication needs. 
Lauren has experience working within primary, secondary, college and SEMH provisions.
Louise Green