
The Central Hub Brighton School is taking part in National Careers Week!
National Careers Week (NCW) is running from the 4th to the 8th of March 2024. NCW
is a celebration of career guidance, which provides an excellent opportunity to
support young people who will be moving onto their chosen post 16 pathway.
We have gathered booklets for our learners and for their parents/carers which will
help the planning of future career prospects:

High quality careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) is an important part of our curriculum and provision.

Careers Education at Central Hub Brighton

Careers Leads at CHB:
Rosie Reekie – KS4 PRU
Amanda Meier – TCH
Penny Langridge – KS3 PRU

Together with our Careers, Information and Guidance (CIAG) Officer – Cordelia Millington, our leaders of careers, ensure that high quality careers education is delivered across the curriculum.

CIAG Officer – CHB –

We additionally use a freelance Careers Advisor to support students and their families with personalised advice and 1 to 1 guidance. We also have the support of an Enterprise Advisor, who is experienced in working with young people who have a wide range of learning needs.

Please read out documents below that outline our Careers policy and guidance.



Our Careers Plan

This outlines how we deliver our careers curriculum at CHB. Further details are available in Curriculum Plans.

Our Careers Education Aims

  • To provide up to date and relevant, impartial careers information, advice and guidance to all young people
  • 1 to 1 sessions for with the Careers Advisor to support post 16 options
  • To develop the key skills needed for college, training, employment and life beyond school through a broad and balanced curriculum that is tailored to the specific needs of our learners.
  • To write and update an individual plan for each young person, identifying routes for progression and the next steps needed, that they can continue to build on Post 16.
  • To support students’ applications to colleges, training and apprenticeships.
  • To build partnerships with further education providers, including those offering apprenticeships, alongside local businesses and employers.
  • To achieve the Gatsby Benchmarks (see below) and also the Baker Clause*

*We welcome contact from prospective providers of vocational training and apprenticeships. Please email the relevant Careers Leader with courses that are open to our students.

You are advised that all visitors must follow our rigorous safeguarding procedures – see Contact Us on website for full details.

Gatsby Benchmarks

These tell us what good Careers Education must include and are cross referenced in our Careers Plan to ensure we meet them.

  1. A stable careers programme
  2. Learning from careers and labour market information
  3. Addressing the needs of each student
  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
  5. Encounters with employers and employees
  6. Experiences of workplaces
  7. Encounters with further and higher education
  8. Personal guidance

Key Skills

The skills that we know will help students achieve their best in college, employment and in life. The development of these skills is interwoven throughout the curriculum at CHB.

  • Communication
  • Problem solving
  • Team work
  • Resilience
  • Engagement

Working with our Careers Partners

The Careers and Enterprise Advisors, further education, training and apprenticeship providers, employers and local businesses that we are building our careers and enterprise network with, in order for all learners to:

  • Develop the key skills employers seek
  • Discover routes to success – learning from another’s experience
  • Recognise their personal qualities; individual skillsets and how to best develop and direct their strengths
  • Participate in workplace visits, work experience tasters and placements
  • Careers and enterprise events
  • Build their CV
  • Successfully follow application processes and write personal statements
  • Study interview techniques and take part in practice interviews

Please do not hesitate to contact Julia, Amanda, Cordelia, Rosie or Penny if you have any queries, or would like to become part of our careers network.

Careers Websites Links

For Parents and Carers






The Connected Hub CEIAG Curriculum Map 23-24.docx

