*** Please note: PRU KS3 (Dyke Road) and PRU KS4 (Lynchet Close) Inset day Thursday 9th February ***
Welcome to Central Hub Brighton. We comprise if the pupil referral unit (PRU) and The Connected Hub (year 11 pru) for the city. We are currently based over 3 sites, each of which has a distinct identity.
Primary PRU – this has provision for 8 students with EHCPs, and 8 students who come to the PRU for a specified period of time and then return to mainstream (based at Lynchet Close).
KS3 PRU – short programmes (12-18 weeks) for students who are either on an assessment place from mainstream, or who need a ‘boost’ to their education before returning to a mainstream school or transferring to a specialist provision (18 students) (based at St Georges House on Dyke Road).
KS4 PRU – either short programmes as above for KS3, or for some, their KS4 provision where they will stay and take their GCSEs and other exams (based at Lynchet Close).
The Connected Hub – a year 11 only provision. Here students are referred from their mainstream school at the end of Year 10, so that they can re-engage in their learning in a small environment and get ready for post 16 provision (based at Tilbury House).
Through collaboration, celebration and challenge, we believe that our provision can be outstanding and that our students can be given every opportunity to succeed.
Our vision is to become a holistic hub where children are nurtured, inspired and engaged so that they can achieve to the best of their ability and lead happy and fulfilled lives.